Bringing Blessings To You

Did you all catch last night’s announcement!?

I’m so excited to bring this special opportunity to you! 

I’ve been working on a special project behind the scenes.... My customers have been so AMAZING that I’ve been brainstorming ways to bless them🤷‍♀️💕 According to their feedback , they appreciate and benefit from my Bible chats and my Oily education. SO, I’m creating a monthly VIP FB group just for them and you can come too! “Oils and Devotions” will contain Devotionals, Bible chats, and Oily Education developed specifically for the needs of those in the group. How does it work? Anyone who places at least a $30 order with me in the month of April will get access for the month of May. As their Oily Mentor and Bible Teacher, I will work hard to provide lessons to help uplift their mindset and enhance their lives. I’m so excited for this journey.......

Need help choosing $30 in product? Reach out, I’ll help you find what fits your needs! If you don’t have lavender, I would start there! It’s the most versatile!! And I’ll definitely be teaching on it 💜


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